Winter is dry skin time! Outdoors you have to deal with the harsher, arid climate. Inside, the heat is on, robbing the air of moisture. This is not good news for your skin. There are lots of things you can do to combat dryness, but what about a good old skin care cream, what is the best lotion for dry skin?
My favorite winter skin saver is not actually a lotion but a straight-from-the-bottle oil - virgin coconut oil. Coconut oil melts when you rub it into your skin. It's rich in skin nutrients, and it has a great smell. My skin gets really dry in the winter; red, flaky, the works. My skin care strategy is to keep the moisturizing going to stop my skin from ever getting really dry. I massage a tiny amount of coconut oil into my skin after cleansing morning and night. I also use it on my hands. A good deep moisture face mask (tomorrow's post!) and your complexion can retain that supple, soft feel even in the frozen tundra!
Coconut oil is my best lotion for dry skin, but there are of course other options. To replenish and protect, look for over-the-counter lotions with ceramides. According to the American Journal of Clinical Dermatology, these fatty acids help to structure skin and maintain the moisture barrier. Ceramide lotions come in all shapes, sizes, and prices. You don't need to spend a fortune to prevent winter dry skin. CeraVe (no affiliation!) is fairly priced.
There are other things that you can do for your skin. Lotions and moisturizers are important, but they are only part of a good winter skin care strategy. Try a humidifier. I have one that injects
warm steam into the air. Great for your skin, great for colds! You can also drink more water and try to take in more essential fatty acids. Pour coconut milk in your coffee. Eat more nuts and seeds. Supplementing with a nutritional oil like flax seed or evening primerose oil can help too, just always talk to your doc before taking supplements.
My favorite winter skin saver is not actually a lotion but a straight-from-the-bottle oil - virgin coconut oil. Coconut oil melts when you rub it into your skin. It's rich in skin nutrients, and it has a great smell. My skin gets really dry in the winter; red, flaky, the works. My skin care strategy is to keep the moisturizing going to stop my skin from ever getting really dry. I massage a tiny amount of coconut oil into my skin after cleansing morning and night. I also use it on my hands. A good deep moisture face mask (tomorrow's post!) and your complexion can retain that supple, soft feel even in the frozen tundra!
Coconut oil is my best lotion for dry skin, but there are of course other options. To replenish and protect, look for over-the-counter lotions with ceramides. According to the American Journal of Clinical Dermatology, these fatty acids help to structure skin and maintain the moisture barrier. Ceramide lotions come in all shapes, sizes, and prices. You don't need to spend a fortune to prevent winter dry skin. CeraVe (no affiliation!) is fairly priced.
An effective Lotion for dry skin can be like a God sent gift for the millions of people suffering from itchy, cracking and flaking of severely dry skin. I will give you the inside information on what to look for and what to avoid in the best dry skin lotion.
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