Five Amazing Essential Oils for Dry Skin

Adding three or four drops of essential oil to your favorite face mask recipe doesn't just add a unique fragrance to your skin treatment. Essential oils have amazing benefits for your skin, especially for a dry complexion. Try these essential oils for dry skin to help balance, moisturize, and protect your skin. Add them to any hydrating skin treatment. Substitute them for one another in custom face mask recipes. They are that little extra touch that can turn a basic honey or clay mask into an incredibly therapeutic treatment for your skin.

The five best essential oils to use for dry skin problems are:

  1. patchouli — a tonic for the skin, promoting tissue regeneration and a great astringent
  2. lavender — calms inflammation while also normalizing skin conditions
  3. rose — gentle astringent, calms the skin, has a hydrating effect
  4. sandalwood — skin moisturizer, perfect for mature skin
  5. ylang-ylang — balances overly dry skin, or overly oily skin, a good choice for dry, combination skin

For a basic dry skin face mask with the essential oils  use:

  • 2 tablespoons raw honey
  • 1 tablespoon coconut milk
  • 4 drops essential oils of choice

Stir together all the ingredients. Try combining the oils for a dynamic moisturizing effect, such as two drops of rose and two of sandalwood. Apply to a clean face and leave the mask on for 15 minutes. Rinse, pat dry, and follow with your hydrating cream.

Use the same oils in your next bath for a soothing, moisturizing soak. Try 10 drops in a cup of milk. Sit in your aromatherapy bath while wearing your mask. It's an instant home spa for dry skin. 


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Mountain Rose Herbs. A herbs, health and harmony c


While I love my skin, I am not actually a dermatologist or a medical professional. The information on this site is not meant to treat or diagnose any health issues.