Lavender Powder Face Mask for Inflammation

To get rid of inflammation on the face, and that red, ruddy complexion, look to the calming herbs. Lavender, which soothes the skin (smells divine), and also helps to balance an overly oily or overly dry complexion, is the key ingredient in this homemade face mask for inflammation. Rose and chamomile, which also have anti-inflammatory properties (as well as anti-bacterial action) back up the pure, powerful lavender powder in the form of essential oils.

This face mask is ideal for rosacea sufferers and for dry, sensitive skin. With so many different anti-bacterial ingredients (honey, lavender, rose, and chamomile) it is also useful for blemishes. For someone with redness and acne, well, it doesn't get any better than this calming, cooling facial.

To make this face mask to reduce inflammation, you will need:

  • 3 tablespoons plain yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon raw honey
  • 1 tablespoon lavender powder
  • 2 drops rose essential oil
  • 2 drops chamomile essential oil
This skin treatment is incredibly easy to whip up. Stir the lavender powder and honey into the yogurt, mixing well. Add the essential oils and stir again. Spread over clean skin. Let the mask set for about 15 minutes. Rinse with tepid water. Finish with a spritz of your calming toner (lavender hydrosol is a great finishing touch to this mask!). And then moisturize. If your skin is red and sensitive, keeping skin cells protected with a lipid barrier is essential. Aside from using this face mask, try sticking with natural skin care products if you have problems with inflammation, rosacea or sensitive skin. 


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Mountain Rose Herbs. A herbs, health and harmony c


While I love my skin, I am not actually a dermatologist or a medical professional. The information on this site is not meant to treat or diagnose any health issues.