7 Simple Home Remedies for Smooth Skin

Large pores, dryness, blemishes, redness, the list of skin imperfections is daunting. There are a few perfectly pure and simple home remedies for smooth skin that you can use to combat all these issues from a holistic standpoint. I do not recommend giving them a try. I suggest making them a part of your regular beauty regimen. Infuse them into your daily life. Make them your beauty mantra. They are natural, well within any skin care budget, and they work.

  1. Coconut oil. A jar of virgin coconut oil is a must have for any natural beauty recipe cupboard. I love this stuff. It is rich, smells like soft, creamy clouds (what I would imagine them to smell like), and it melts into your skin creating a perfect, moisturized surface. Coconut oil is high in vitamin E and antioxidants that your skin will love. Use it in coconut face mask recipes, rub it into dry, chapped hands in the winter, massage your feet with it after a foot bath, or give your neck and decolletage an easy smooth skin treatment. 
  2. Milk baths. You will love making this home remedy for smooth skin a regular beauty ritual. Milk baths are great for keeping your skin soft and glowing. The idea behind this home beauty treatment? Milk helps to exfoliate your skin, while also nourishing and moisturizing with minerals and fatty acids. A creamy bath with three or four drops of lavender essential oil is also great for stress relief at the end of the day!
  3. Your loofah. Use your loofah sponge. If you don't have one, get one for your body and try the facial loofah pads for your face. Why should you loofah, aka exfoliate your skin, to keep it smooth? Exfoliating will get rid of dead skin while also boosting circulation to the surface of skin, bringing nutrients to help replenish cells. Don't loofah daily, too much will dry out dry skin and can rev up your oil glands leading to more breakouts if you have an oily complexion. I suggest a weekly, very gentle scrub down as a general rule of thumb. 
  4. Wonderful water. If you read beauty blogs and books then I am sure you've already heard this one. Drink water for clearer, smoother skin. Water will help flush out impurities so your skin never has to deal with them. I always thought of myself as a good little water drinker. Then a friend of mine, yes she has gorgeous skin and is a couple years older than me, told me I needed to drink even more (she was recommending a 3 liter minimum, which is a tough goal). Three days of her water drinking habits and it was amazing how much better my skin looked. Clearer, less redness, softer. I don't think there is any reason to stress out over your fluid intake, but when you think of it, drink a glass of water or herbal tea. Try to have a glass when you wake up, whenever you come home, that sort of thing. If you build up the habit, improving your skin with good old H2O will seem effortless. 
  5. Nuts and seeds. Eat them for the minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. Thank them for their healthy fats. For plump, smooth skin you need good fats, the kind you find in nuts, seeds, and coconut. 
  6. Clay masks. No secrets here, I think clay masks are one of the most powerful home face masks that you can use. They are also incredibly inexpensive if you buy clay powder in bulk. Try out different kinds, mix your clay powder with water, milk, flower waters, essential oils, you name it. They really suck debris out of those pores, refining your skin at least temporarily, while also boosting circulation. Mountain Rose Herbs has a great selection. I am an affiliate, if you want to support me, then check them out at the bottom of my blog. You can also get clay powders at Whole Foods or any health food store.  
  7. Green and white teas. Drink more tea. Green and white tea are loaded with antioxidants that will help to keep your skin healthy and young-looking. Antioxidants also means anti-inflammatory, which is a huge plus for sensitive and dry skin. 
What are your favorite home remedies for smooth skin? What works for you? 


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Mountain Rose Herbs. A herbs, health and harmony c


While I love my skin, I am not actually a dermatologist or a medical professional. The information on this site is not meant to treat or diagnose any health issues.